Customer Service

Shipping & Delivery
Personalized dog bandanas, stuffed dogs, and dog purses are mailed within 2 business days.  Brag Rags and dog signs may take a few days longer.
Privacy & Security
We do not store or collect credit card data.  Rather, credit card data goes directly to our credit card processor.  If you are still not comfortable entering your credit card information, you can order first and then call with credit card information or mail a check.  We will process your order after you call or we receive your check.
We don't sell you name and address to anyone for any reason.  (I suppose a court order would be different, but we have never had one of those in the 21 years we have been doing business.)
Returns & Replacements
We replace mistakes for free - and it doesn't matter to us if you were the one who made the mistake when you placed the order.  We just replace mistakes.  Just call 615-807-1041 to make arrangements.  
We also replace "lost in mails".  Things rarely get lost, but we'll send another "set" of the first order if you don't receive it.  Just let us know.  Give the first order about 10 days to arrive.  If it doesn't reach you by then, it is mostly likely hopelessly lost and needs to be replaced.
You can just place things in your cart and then checkout, or you can give us your order over the phone 615-807-1041.
Payment, Pricing & Promotions
Personalized bandanas are always 10% off if you order 4 or more.  Occasionally, we run specials on various products.  You can pay via credit card on line, call with a credit card, or mail a check.
Viewing Orders
You can view current and past orders by logging-in to your account.  Upper right-hand corner of the home page.  Click on "Log In", then enter your email address and password.  You will then be shown all your current and past orders.
Updating Account Information
Your can change your name and email address by logging in to your account, then, on the left-hand side of the page, click on the "account information" link to change your name and or email address, or click on the "address book" link to change your address or add additional ship-to addresses.